Date: April 6, 2025
The Event Team makes it happen!
Putting the STEAM in STEAMfest!
Select the volunteer opportunity befitting your personality.
Like entertaining, be a bus guide and the first to welcome guests with witty scripted jokes and information about the days events.
Enjoy meeting or interacting with others, become a greeter, check people in at the STEAMfest gate, or help with booth activities and watch the joyful learning and smiles on visitors as they Imagine, Discover, and Explore. Helping at an activity booth is a great volunteer opportunity to do with younger volunteers.
Know the campus and up for some physical activity, volunteer to be a runner.
Born salesperson, help with concessions at Woodlawn’s snack tent or facilitate Puggle adoptions at the STEAMfest booth.
With over 150 volunteer slots, there are opportunities available for adult and youth of all ages.
Time slots range from 1.5 to 2 hours in duration. You may signup for multiple slots.
STEAMfest 2025 is Sunday, April 6. There are slots available from 10AM to 5PM.
Please wear shoes and clothing appropriate for the weather and working outside.
Parking is limited. There is no parking directly on campus. If you arrive before 12PM the please park in the church lot directly across the street.
If you will be arriving after 12PM then please park at one of the satellite lots and ride the shuttle bus. Please allow time for transportation.
Upon arrival please go directly to the volunteer tent behind Stinson Hall. If you are arriving after 12PM, please park in a satellite lot and utilize the shuttle bus. When you reach campus, go through guest check-in and then proceed to the volunteer tent behind Stinson Hall.